
Training Pack Walks

Walks are held on the weekend from 10 - 11am at various locations on the Aquidneck Island. 

Please see below for upcoming walk dates and locations:

Cost: $10 tax

Join us for a controlled pack walk, where you can walk your dog alongside others in a safe and structured environment. This walk will provide your dog with opportunities to practice leash manners and get exposed to high-distraction surroundings. Certified trainer Alex Hawk will offer training and management tips throughout the walk.

 All dogs must be leashed and kept at a safe distance. This walk focuses on impulse control and disengagement, not interacting.

Please, only one dog per handler.

You will receive a confirmation email with more information, including location and what to bring, upon registration.

*Please specify which date you would like to join at payment.

Walk 'n play

Walks are held on the weekend from 11:15am to 12:15pm at various locations on Aquidneck Island. 

Please see below for upcoming walk dates and locations:

Cost: $10 tax. 

It is designed for dog-friendly dogs. Dogs are allowed minimal interaction and will learn how to walk alongside each other. This walk will provide your dog with opportunities to walk and interact with other dogs. Certified trainer Alex Hawk will offer training and socialization tips throughout the walk.

 Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email with more information, including location and what to bring.

* Please specify which date you would like to join at payment.